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SBC Won’t Name Names in File-Sharing Cases

*As proof that market dynamics can influence lawmaking, SBC has fallen into step with Verizon in putting up roadblocks to stop the RIAA’s maniacal tirade against P2P. The quote that says it all? * “We are going to challenge every single one of these that...

Cable Industry Sees VoIP Looming… By Ben Charny Staff Writer, CNET January 27, 2003, 4:00 AM PT Read more about VoIP A group of telecommunications giants is quietly pushing a proposal that could create hang-ups for up-and-coming Internet-telephone...

The Baby Bells Suck, Too! Telecom The Bells Sing The Blues, On Cue Mark Lewis, 09.27.02, 12:16 PM ET When a firm announces bad news, generally it crafts a news release brimming with positive spin to put the best possible light on the...

Mobitex vs. GPRS

A direct quote from Yours Truly in 1994, when I was building the web presence for a company that later became InfoWave Wireless Networks: “This is stupid. Nobody’s going to want to just access their email on mobile devices — people want to surf the...

AOL Is Evil?

Out with AOL, in with Jabber By Paul Festa Staff Writer, CNET August 30, 2002, 12:16 PM PT When America Online closed its door on efforts to standardize instant messaging, a new one may have opened for Jabber. Jabber,...